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IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination |
Irazu | Updated: 14 Jan 2019 | Responsible Operator | Hugo Soto TI2HAS | |
Supporting Organisation | Costa Rica Institute of Technology | |||
Contact Person | hsv@alfapeople.com | |||
Headline Details: Project Irazú consists of using ground sensors to monitor carbon fixation in an experimental plot and a 1U CubeSat to transfer the scientific data to a research institution for analysis and publication. The project is a joint effort between the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (TEC) and the Central American Association of Aeronautics and Space (ACAE). Project Irazú is a proof of concept, which plans to demonstrate how nanosatellite technology can be used to transmit data from remote locations to a central location for analysis. The communications protocol that is being developed is of the type Store and Forward system, which consists of uploading scientific data to the spacecraft, storing it in its internal Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Request — Page Rev. 38. 1 August 2017 3 memory, and transferring it to a ground station upon command. The team decided to monitor carbon fixation for this project to support Costa Rica’s goal of becoming a carbon neutral entity by 2021 and to demonstrate an immediate benefit of space technology to a country that had not developed it previously. Project Irazú has two main objectives: 1) to create capacities related to space technology in an emerging space nation, and 2) to monitor and to collect field data daily to estimate the growth in biomass as a function of environmental variables in a remote, tropical rainforest region. Irazú will provide Costa Rican engineers the opportunity to participate and learn about the different aspects of a space mission, including the design, manufacture and integration of a spacecraft. Furthermore, the mission will result in publishable results on daily tree growth monitoring in tropical rainforests, which will further advance knowledge on this topic. The Radio Club of Costa Rica will assist in the operations of the satellite, giving this organization the chance to operate an amateur radio satellite. The satellite is a half-duplex system, which will operate at 436.500 MHz frequency with a bandwidth of 15 KHz. **The spacecraft had already been launched to the ISS on April 2nd and therefore it was not possible to undertake coordination** | ||||
Application Date: | 04 Apr 2018 | Freq coordination completed on |
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