IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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MRZ-SAT Updated: 24 Feb 2025   Responsible Operator not provided HR0UNA
Supporting Organisation Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras  
Contact Person fernando.zorto@unah.edu.hn.nospam  
Headline Details: The satellite will generate telemetry data for the measurement of hydrometeorological variables to determine river levels for flood prevention. Which will provide early warning for the necessary evacuations downstream of the hydrological basins of the Ulua, Matina and Salamá rivers. 1. Measure hydrometeorological variables of rivers in Central America to issue early warnings about flooding during the rainy season. 2. In summer, images will be broadcast on SSTV for amateur radio use. 3. Generation of capabilities in young people for the creation of space and radio frequency projects, increase in membership of Honduran amateur radio. The satellite will broadcast four QSLs via SSTV of the mission which will be sent during the dry season in Central America. Any radio amateur around the world who captures the four QSLs will be able to request a recognition diploma from the UNAH. Likewise, children will be taught about the use of radio frequency to support in case of emergency and the importance of amateur radio within countries. Proposing a UHF downlink using 2GPSK or GMSK modulation at 9k6 data rate. Planning a JAXA deployment from the ISS in December 2025 **IARU is not in a position to coordinate frequencies for MRZ-SAT. As described in the coordination request the mission appears to be an earth exploration mission rather than an amateur one**
Application Date: 19 Feb 2025   Freq coordination completed on 24 Feb 2025

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