IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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OOV Cube Updated: 27 May 2024   Responsible Operator Alexander Burnicki DB4LX
Supporting Organisation Technische Universität Berlin  
Contact Person alexander.burnicki@tu-berlin.de.nospam  
Headline Details: A microsat 24x24x25cm, 11.5 kg. The mission will provide in-orbit verification of XLink L-Band transceiver, perovskite solar cells, onboard AI inference and data processing of remote sensing data and of IoT technology for agriculture. Proposing a UHF downlink with 1k2 and 2k4 AFSK downlink. Planning a launch on first flight of Ariane 6 from Kourou, in June or July 2024 into a 580 km circular orbit with 62 degree inclinations. **As amateur radio is not part of the official OOV Cube mission the IARU is not in a position to assign a frequency in spectrum allocated to the amateur satellite service.**
Application Date: 02 May 2024   Freq coordination completed on

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