IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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RTU MIREA1 Updated: 29 Apr 2024   Responsible Operator Arart Simonyan R2BJM
Supporting Organisation Mirea- Russian Technological University  
Contact Person simonyan2206@ya.ru.no spam  
Headline Details: Satellite RTU MIREA1 of CubeSat 3U form factor is designed. For educational activities within the SpaceTT project; For interaction with radio amateurs all over the world (call sign - RS51S); On board the small satellite RTU MIREA1 is installed a payload consisting of: Optical camera of the visible range, which will provide images of the surface for the purpose of solving meteorological problems; A receiver of signals of global navigation satellite systems GLONASS/GPS. The use of a such receiver for the signals of global navigation satellite systems GLONASS/GPS satellite systems will allow to know the coordinates of the spacecraft and to study the influence of the ionosphere on the propagation of navigation signals, Transceiver module, which is necessary for the organization of the experiment on inter- satellite communication with the TUSUR-GO satellite. The mission of the RTU MIREA1 satellite is to conduct three experiments: 1. Study the underlying surface, in particular the Earth cloud cover. Radio amateurs will be able to obtain images of the underlying surface in their radio coverage area. 2. Study of the influence of the ionosphere on the signals of the global navigation satellite systems GLONASS/GPS. Radio amateurs will be able to obtain the coordinates of the RTU spacecraft MIREA1. 3. Inter-satellite communication, which is provided with the TUSUR-GO spacecraft. Knowing the coordinates of the RTU MIREA1 satellite, radio amateurs will be able to ensure the planning of inter-satellite communication sessions between satellites. Proposing UHF downlink using GFSK 9600 bps and X-band downlink using DVB-S2. Planning a launch into a 550 km SSO from Vostochniy in Q4 2023/Q1 2024. ** More info has been requested from the group** **The coordination request does not show any amateur objectives and therefore frequency coordination of frequencies in the amateur satellite service is not possible** ** Having received further information from the group, downlinks on 436.200 MHz and 10473.00 MHz have been coordinated**
Application Date: 07 Sep 2023   Freq coordination completed on 29 Apr 2024

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