IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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StratoSat-TK1 Updated: 24 Feb 2025   Responsible Operator Denis Efremov R2BKU
Supporting Organisation Stratonautica LLC - Moscow  
Contact Person reg@netwind.ru.nospam  
Headline Details: StratoSat TK-1 spacecraft by Stratonautica is a nano-satellite of CubeSat 3U format designed for launching school educational TinySat picosatellites, flight tests of the method of delivery to orbit of the new TinySat picosatellite format, testing of the Ether amateur radio network being deployed Satellite StratoSat TK-1 as the payload has six satellite platforms pico-class format TinySat, designed for educational activities under the project Space-n program Planet Watch Foundation to promote innovation.The platforms are equipped with independent power supply systems, VHF radio transceivers, computing modules, and cameras. In addition, the satellite payload includes 3 photo-video cameras mounted in the central compartment of the spacecraft, different viewing angle and imaging mode. During the space experiment 6 pico-satellites will be separated from the parent nano-satellite CubeSat. Pico-satellites are presented in two sizes TinySat 1TU format in the form of a cube with a 5-cm face - 4 pcs, and 2TU - parallelepiped with sides 5×5×10 cm - 2 pcs. Separation from the parent nano-satellite will be carried out after checking the performance of all on-board systems of the satellite and under control from ground-based control and monitoring facilities. The StratoSat TK-1 satellite will transmit telemetry and images from the camera on UHF and X-band amateur radio frequencies All participants who receive images taken and transmitted by our satellite to earth via a radio link, and send us these images by e-mail, will be awarded a certificate. We also plan to send our own QSL cards to radio amateurs for receiving and decoding telemetry data. Decoder and package format information, satellite transmission schedule will be updated regularly on our website to inform radio amateurs about image transmissions. Proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 or 19k2 GMSK and a X band downlink using 1Mb BPSK. Planning a launch from Vostochny on June 27th 2023 into a 500-600 km SSO. More info https://stratonautica.ru/ **More information has been requested from the group** **No further information has been received**
Application Date: 19 May 2023   Freq coordination completed on 24 Feb 2025

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