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IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination |
Cuava-2 | Updated: 24 Feb 2025 | Responsible Operator | Anthony Monger | |
Supporting Organisation | The Australian Research Council Training Centre for CubeSats, UAVs, and Their Applications | |||
Contact Person | VK2KZ tony.vk2kz@gmail.com.nospam | |||
Headline Details: A 6U CubeSat mission. The amateur VHF / UHF radio service will be used to control the satellite (TT&C), including the payloads. It will also be used to downlink some limited data from payloads via the satellite beacon (PNT from the GPS, radiation counts, and recent perhaps a 0.1 – 20 MHz spectraum from the plasma wave receiver). All payloads and technology demonstrators carried by CUAVA-2 will be non-commercial. All involve research and the education and training of students, CUAVA members, and interested others. The classifications “amateur” and “education” seems appropriate then in an IARU and ITU context for all the CAUAVA-2 payloads (both instruments payloads, and technology demonstrators), and satellite systems. Several of the payloads produce large volumes of data (particularly the hyperspectral imager and the GPS), thereby requiring use of S-band or higher frequencies. Unfortunately the S-band transceiver chosen for CUAVA-2 is not tunable to does not allow its use at frequencies within the amateur domains of S- band. Other transceivers that we are aware of are considerably more expensive. Accordingly, we are forced to use S-band frequencies outside of the amateur bands. ; not by intent. I don’t have anything about this yet? Our plan is therefore to use non-amateur S- band frequencies to downlink most ofalmost all the data from CUAVA-2, the exception being the beacon data described above and carried by the VHF/UHF amateur service. The CUAVA-2 project is the Centre’s second CubeSat mission, following on from the CUAVA-1 satellite that launched in August 2021 and used amateur frequencies only. The mission is designed to perform Earth observations measurements missions and to demonstrate new technologies developed by our partners. We also intend to use the satellite to provide students hands- on experiences and to gain experience for our engineering team for future, more complex, missions. The CUAVA-2 satellite will carry 2 primary payloads designed and built by CUAVA partners: (1) an a CubeSat-compatible hyperspectral imager (The University of Sydney) designed to study the potential carbon storage of coastal ecosystems (mangrove, saltmarsh, seagrass) ; and how does this carbon potential carbon storage variesy spatially and temporally (seasonally and inter-annually) both within and between ecosystems; (2) athe GPS instrument (The University of New South Wales) to obtain position and velocity information and to perform reflectometry and radio occultation measurements applications so as to obtain novel sea state measurements and line-of- sight path integrals of the ionospheric electron number density (the so-called TEC) relevant to space weather radio wave propagation, reception, use, and space weather (The University of New South Wales). There will be a number of secondary payloads secondary payloads including a plasma wave receiver and radiation counters to investigate Earth’s plasma and radio environments and associated space weather. In particular the plasma wave receiver will measure the (local) number density and temperature of ionospheric electrons along the satellite orbit and the number and properties of small-sized pieces of space debris hitting the satellite. These in situ electron number density data w.ill be directly relevant to radio wave propagation, reception, and use (e.g., HF radio comms and radars, including their changing reception) and to the turbulence that causes GPS and radio wave scintillations and variations in GPS positions. , and space weather They will be of direct interest to the international radio amateur community as well as to multiple academic, industry, and government groups.directly relevant for The technology demonstrators will include a novel plasma thruster, a de-orbiting electrodynamic tether, and some novel solar cells Also, as the Training Centre’s satellite, the CUAVA-2 satellite will also link with the international radio amateur community for outreach, training, and increased data downloads.Proposing a 9k6 BPSK UHF downlink and planning a JAXA launch from Tanageshema Space Centre into a 628km SSO in 2023 **No further information has been received** | ||||
Application Date: | 30 Jan 2022 | Freq coordination completed on | 24 Feb 2025 |
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