IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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Stork-1 Updated: 11 Sep 2023   Responsible Operator Julien Nicolas F4HVX
Supporting Organisation Centre Spatial Universitaire de Grenoble  
Contact Person f4hvx@juliennicolas.com.nospam  
Headline Details: A 3U CubeSat mission. The ThingSat project aims to demonstrate the reliability of a satellite connectivity solution, with very low bandwidth and very low energy costs, for objects in isolated areas. This project is unique in that it can be adapted to a wide range of use cases, for players as varied as Earth science researchers or companies with fleets of widely dispersed objects. ThingSat is one of the instruments that will be carried on board a shared nano-satellite developed by the company Satrevolution. Consisting of several LoRa transmitters and a communication antenna, ThingSat will make it possible to connect to the Internet isolated objects such as buoys measuring sea levels or beacons placed on glaciers in polar zones. It will also enable objects without GPS to be resynchronized by distributing a secure time base.The Thingsat project has multiple educational and amateur contributions through : - Involving students of different specialties to take part to the cubesat and ground segment design and data processing - training students to the cubesat and LoRa technologies and motivate them to contribute to the radio amateur community by doing real experiments with on-the-shelf or homemade equipments (MCU boards and antennas) and a real cubesat - extending the cubesat coverage by giving details (homemade GW/endnode) for amateurs to take part to experiments by listening to/sending/relaying LoRa frames everywhere (especially in locations not covered by the academic ThingSat partners) Proposing an S Band downlink using LoRa modulation with SF12, bandwidth 203 KHz and CR 4/6. Planning a launch on June 4th 2021 into a 5550x500 km polar orbit. ** The launch and deployment has been delayed due to authorisation problems with the deployer** More info will be made available at www.csug.fr
Application Date: 09 May 2021   Freq coordination completed on

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