IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination

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UniBRITE/Tugsat1 Updated: 05 Feb 2013   Responsible Operator Arpad Scholtz OE1XTU
Supporting Organisation Vienna University of Technology  
Contact Person arpad.scholtz@nt.tuwien.ac.at.nospam  
Headline Details: Two nearly identical satellites are planned to accomplish the following functions. 1. Receive and interpret commands from Earth station. 2. Transmit data and telemetry to Earth station. 3. Perform three axis determination and control. 4. Take images of Earth. 5. Take images of groups of bright massive stars. The main payload of each satellite will be a photometric instrument with a red or blue filter. The instrument is an optical camera with a high-resolution CCD to take images from distant stars with magnitude of 3.5. The satellites are 200x200x200mm and approx 7kg mass. They plan to use S-Band for telemetry downlinks with a 145MHz CW beacon. No launch has yet been identified but a LEO is planned. More info at http://www.iks.tugraz.at ** It is believed that this program is no longer using frequencies in the amateur satellite service**
Application Date: 31 Dec 2008   Freq coordination completed on

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